
For Residents in Patmos

Mr. Manos Gavaises/Μάνος Γκαβαϊσές

Τηλ-Φαξ: 2247 0 33211, Κιν: 6976 321882,

ΓΚΑΒΑΪΣΕΣ Θ. ΕΜΜΑΝΟΥΗΛ Σκάλα, 855 00 Πάτμος

Lawyer in Greek law Mr. Manos Gavaises/Μάνος Γκαβαϊσές, Skala, Patmos, Greece


(+30) 6977242942

Church of virgin of Kimitirion, Patmos, Greece

IOANNIS PALAIOS AND SONS The Paleos Family of Carpenters: Celebrating Traditional Patmian Craftsmanship Nestled on the enchanting island of Patmos, Greece, the Paleos family has been upholding the art of woodworking for generations. Utilizing time-honored techniques and locally sourced materials, they craft an exquisite array of both beautiful and functional… Read more…

National Bank of Greece


National Bank of Greece, Κατάστημα Πάτμου, Σκάλα 855 00, Greece

8:00 to 14:00 week days

Mastropetros George


Mastropetros George, Patmos 855 00, Greece

9:30am daily

A hole in the wall shop for all your computer needs. Sells parts and does repairs of all sorts. George is honest and able.